Avalanche 6.0 allows logging into the console with AD credentials. This is disabled by default but can be enabled through the settings.
Once AD integration is setup users can login to the console as Normal users until an Administrator sets up the permissions. Best practise is to do this through groups within Avalanche and also through AD groups.
2. Go to Tools - System Users and click on Add user
5. Now logout and log back in as Administrator. Go to Tools - System Users. Edit the group to be which the user account has to be added and add the user to that group.
Once AD integration is setup users can login to the console as Normal users until an Administrator sets up the permissions. Best practise is to do this through groups within Avalanche and also through AD groups.
1. Go to Tools - System Settings and Authentication options. Select LDAP and enter the LDAP server.
Click Save.
2. Go to Tools - System Users and click on Add user
3. Create a group.
4. Logout of the system and log back in with AD account this time. You will see that the account now appeards as a Normal account.
5. Now logout and log back in as Administrator. Go to Tools - System Users. Edit the group to be which the user account has to be added and add the user to that group.
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